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Exo terra sub stratum 4kg

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Exo Terra Sub Stratum er fra den mineralrike  foten av vulkanen Aso i Japan. Den naturlige vulkan jorden bindes av andesit och ryolit og er veldig næringsrik og er perfekt i bio terrarie med levende planter


Den porøse ytre drenerer godt og gir luft blandt røttene og dermed oppnår man kraftige og sunne røtter på plantene. 

Sub Stratums struktur med lav densitet som innholder nyttiige og nitrifisenrende bakterier och skaper ett selvforsynt og  levende Økosystem i terrariet.


De aktive bakteriene som er i jorden bryter ned biologisk avfall og er med til å holde terrariet rent og sunt.


Ingredienser: naturlig vulkanisk jord (andisol), aktivt kull, bacillus (levende nyttige bakterier).


3 Ways to use Sub Stratum
As a sole substrate
As a drainage layer
Mixed in with other substrates

Sole Substrate
When Exo Terra's Sub Stratum is used as the sole substrate, add a layer of 1-2" (2,5 - 5 cm) to the terrarium. The live bacteria will activate when the substrate comes in contact with water or waste. The organic matter such as left over food and animal waste will decompose over time. The absorbing properties of volcanic ash will eliminate odours by trapping the decomposed materials. Rinse the Sub Stratum and replace partly every 12 months.

Drainage Layer
Add a top layer of biological substrate to the Exo Terra's Sub Stratum layer for optimal bioactivity and drainage. Plants can be secured in the top layer (eg. Exo Terra's Plantation Soil) while their roots will thrive in the sub layer of Sub Stratum - resulting in optimal growth.

Additionally, an inorganic layer can be added first for even better drainage (Exo Terra's BioDrain) to allow excess water to flow through the substrate to avoid saturation and anaerobic bacteria to outcompete the beneficial bacteria in the Sub Stratum substrate. Use the BioDrain Mesh to separate the BioDrain layer from organic matter to penetrate the underlying layer.

Use a top layer of leaf litter to provide dry areas, shelter and dwelling surfaces for all organisms in the terrarium. In the meantime it will prevent evaporation of the underlying layers.

The secret to growing healthy plants begins with the soil. Naturally, healthy soil contains living microorganisms — from bacteria to fungi, protozoa and arthropods. Together they form a choreographed exchange from the recycling of nutrients to the decomposition of organic materials.

By mixing the Sub Stratum with other organic substrates, you enrich any substrate with the required minerals like calcium, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It also aids in the water retention capacity and provide adequate air supply to the roots.


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